Thanks for stopping by…I know you’re busy…
You’ve made the effort to come here, so take some time out of your busy day, grab your favorite beverage, get comfortable and spend some time with me and let me show you how you can change your life forever.
Imagine your day going something like this:
You wake up in the morning when you’re finished sleeping, not when the alarm clock yanks you from a deep sleep.
Next, you decide if you’re going to hop right out of bed, say for some morning exercise or simply to watch the new day dawn… or maybe you’d rather just lay there for a few more minutes…it’s your choice.
You enjoy a leisurely breakfast with the family, maybe walk the kids to the bus stop, and then really take the time to enjoy a cup of good coffee.
You’re not rushed because there is no boss watching the clock and waiting for you at a job.
In fact there is no boss at all (except for maybe your significant other…which can be a GOOD thing…) and there is no job.
Your day’s schedule is whatever you want it to be.
Hi, my name is Russ Roland and this is a typical Monday through Friday for me (weekends are even less stressful). I was fortunate enough, just like you, to create a lifestyle that doesn’t chase the 9 to 5.
Some circumstance motivated you to come here…I don’t know what it was – a Facebook page, an e-mail, something on tv, or maybe someone told you to “check out a really cool website”.
Whatever it was, it doesn’t really matter.
What does matter is that you’re here because you want to change something about your life.
Let me show you what I did to change my life…
But first, a very important rule to remember – Systems work…People Fail
Now, we said there is no boss and no job…but that doesn’t mean there’s no work to be done.
STOP RIGHT HERE – Let’s define ‘work’.
Place some advertisements, answer some e-mails, make and take a few telephone calls (if you want to…it’s not a requirement). Now if you can handle that as a day’s ‘work’, then you have the necessary “skills” to succeed in the business that I’m going to introduce you to.
This part is important – this is NOT a get rich quick scheme. This requires a certain amount of work on your part, but it’s not the kind of work that you’re probably used to.
This work is fun and instead of making your boss or the company he or she works for rich, this system will provide you with the financial rewards and freedom you’ve been seeking ever since you got that first job.
You can start this business in your spare time (does anyone really have any ‘spare time’?) and build it to the point to where you can actually fire your boss within 90 to 180 days. Is that a time frame you can live with?
I know I’ve spent considerably more time doing considerably less profitable things.
I’ve changed that direction in my life and have truly found a way to work smarter rather than harder. I’m sure that you have thought that there must be a better way to make ends meet than what you’re doing now.
There are a great number of ways…some of them take time, some of them take money…and some of them take both.
I’ll show you a way, that if you have money – you can succeed…if you have time – you can succeed… and if you have neither – you can succeed.
How, you ask? Stay with me here, we’ll get to that in a moment…
Remember the part about systems and people? Let me explain.
Have you ever eaten at McDonald’s? Of course you have. Ever had your oil changed at Jiffy Lube? Did Lawn Doctor ever spray your lawn?
All of these are franchise businesses (along with HUNDREDS, probably THOUSANDS of others)and they have one thing in common.
They all have a SYSTEM in place that virtually guarantees that their franchisees will be successful. The only problem with the majority of these very successful systems is that they are beyond the financial reach of most people.
Subway is relatively inexpensive…anywhere from $95,000.00 to $200,000.00. A Jiffy Lube franchise will cost you about $250,000.00.
Want to sell Big Macs and Fries? Belly up to your banker for…are you ready for this…anywhere from $650,000.00 to $1,200,000.00, depending on the location. Add an initial franchise fee of $45,000.00 AND royalty fees of 12.5% of your sales with an INITIAL term agreement of 20 years and you can see that you need to have some SERIOUS coin available just to get started.
And what do you buy for all that money?
You buy yourself a job.
That’s right…you buy a business that you’ll literally be married to until the day you sell or otherwise dispose of it.
You’ll want your new business to succeed, right?
Then you’ll most likely spend a great deal of your time there to try and ensure that success.
Doesn’t sound so great alter all, does it?
That’s the systems part. Now for the people part.
It’s simple…people fail because they don’t have a system.
People jump head-long into things all willy-nilly chasing shiny objects without any real plan or system in place to succeed. They let the excitement of the moment cloud their judgement and they act irrationally without thinking through all of the consequences of their decision.
I know this for a fact because I’ve done it before.
Believe me when I tell you that this is not the ideal way to try and succeed at business.
There is a better way…
How about a business that you can start with minimal initial investment or overhead? How about a business that you can start while you still have your job?
How about a business that you can work from virtually anywhere there is an internet connection and a telephone?
How about a business that is so turn-key, that almost everything you need to succeed is laid out for you to copy and use to your benefit?
How about…and this is the best part…a business that really works – with a system that’s great?
With these questions in mind, what’s holding you back from really taking control of your future?
Is there something you’re afraid of?
What would you do if you weren’t afraid of whatever it is that’s holding you back?
I’ll tell you what you’d do – the same thing I did…take action!
That’s right – let go of whatever is holding you back, make the decision that you’re going to succeed no matter what, and then do the work that ensures that success (don’t forget the part about “NOT a get rich quick scheme… “).
Alright then, that’s it in a nutshell – so what next, you ask?
Start with filling out the short form below – and please provide genuine and correct contact information. You’ve come this far in this process and it would be a shame for us to lose contact with you because of a typo…
After that, READ AND WATCH EVERYTHING that follows (I know…more reading – I told you at the beginning to grab your favorite beverage and give me some of your time).
When you get through the next part, it may all be crystal clear for you.
If so, great. If not, great too, no worries!
If things don’t make perfect sense to you or if you simply have a few questions that you would like to have answered, I’m right here for you.
It’s that simple.